Sunday, March 30, 2008

I love you layla baby!

Layla Michelle

I love layla, she was born on the May 23, 2007. She has dark brown hair and she is the cutest little girl in the world with the prettiest smile! =)

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Ok so today me, liz, my momma, and GmaT (my grandma) went to the mall for fun. We left and went to Sirloin Stockaid. We got there and ate for a bit and then there was this lady that had REALLY super-long legs. Like freakishly long but skinny. And she walked funny like she didnt have a problem of anything. And her stomach was showing. GmaT said Looks like she left her legs at home! Turns out the lady sat right behind us. We cracked up laughing and looking right at her laughing histerically! She said down and said WHAT! to us and bit the top of her ice cream off. Then we left.......

Im at Stacy's and she is making fun of my sweater saying it looks like a rug MRS. I was raised on THE STREET! = Dan is my only true friend DONTCHANO!

Monday, March 24, 2008




Ok so it's 2:12 am and I have to go to school tomorrow. Spring Break is over, and Im po'd.....

Not wanting to go...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rileys Party and Easter

1.) Riley's Birthday Cake That Stacy Made. 2.) Riley At Her Party. 3.) Me, Roxanna And The Easter Bunny.(its ok to be jealous) 4.)Liz, Me, Roxanna And The Easter Bunny. 5.) A Pretty Picture That I Really Like That I Took Today.

Friday, March 21, 2008


who chose not so much and no on my poll...


at least people read my blog, because i'm pretty sure NO ONE reads your guys' blogs because well....your just kinda GAY and i hope you die in a lawn fire. NO ONE messes with me! and i hate you people whoever you are!

me and lily

This Blog Is Dedicated to LILY ANN!
Me and Lily laugh together, me and lily dance together, me and lily smile together, me and lily play together, and me and lily sing together. Me and lily love eachother! =) She is the cutest little girl. When im sad she cheers me up. When Im happy, she makes me happier.

Oh yeah, and im a GANGSTERR!

i AM the big bad wolf!

The first one I got of Riley doing a hand stand. Stacy took the mirror ones.

What would you like for Breakfast today Johnny? MUFFINS!

Check out more SuperMac 18 videos

These are just some of my favorite YouTube Videos.


On our cheerleading squad, you have to try-out every year even if you were on it the year before. Since I had my seizure ( See "Fainting + Seizure = Bad Trip To Wal-Mart " ) I was automatically put on the squad because I was on it last year, and I wasn't aloud to do any physical activity.

Some girls that didn't make it were complaining about how unfair it was that I was put on it because I didn't have to learn a dance, cheer, or make up a chant. So I went ahead and did it all anyways.

I was at try-outs and I only had a day to learn it all, and everyone else had 3. So I showed everyone that I could do it. Then they shut up.

I didn't try out becuase I new I didnt know the stuff well enough to do under pressure.

But atleast they shut their mouths =)


So yesterday I went home from Stacy's and I went home. We didn't find my Birth Certificate that I couldn't find, until my mom double checked her purse and found it. She wouldn't take me to the DMV, so we went today I got my copy and here it is!

It doesn't look very good, but oh well! =) Atleast I have it!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rainforest Cafe

Today I went with Stacy and all of them to the mall. We went to Build A Bear Workshop, and the Rainforest Cafe. It was fun and cool, but I felt really awkward. That's because its like a really like family thing for them and they never take anyone but there kids.

That was fun, then i came back home and I went back to my house to find my birth certificate because I need it to get a photo ID, and I need that to get a job at the place I want to work at.

I havent gotten the ID yet, I hope I do tomorrow if it's open!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Red Lobster Dentist

Today I woke up and went to the dentist becuase Riley had an appointment. She did really good but when she got out she wouldnt talk because her mouth was so numb from the medicine they gave her. They had i-macs in lobby and they are AWESOME! I want one so bad! They're super cool, anyhow...
After that, we went to red lobster. I got Chicken strips and clams. What a combination! lol It was really good though. But my stomach hurts, and has hurt all night since.

ok so heres the deal

Tomorrow, Stacy and Dan are leaving me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Remembering old times

So, I was looking back on old pictures. I decided that I am sad because well look these. The kids are getting so big! Also, today I was at the doctors office with Stacy and we were talking about the kids when she informed me that I am going to be 18 when Layla is the same age as Lily. That made me really sad. I am not going to be able to play with Layla the way I do/did with the others. We aren't going to be as close because I will be busy with college and things like that. I hope ill have it figured out by then. I love that little girl! Looking at these pictures made me sad because I don't want them to get any bigger!

These Girls Are Like My Sisters

Layla, Lily, and Riley are so cute. I realized last night that I care so much about them that I wouldnt ever let anything bad happen to them. So last night Lily slept on the floor with me and so did Ryder. On the floor it went Lily Ryder then me. I couldn't sleep because I was scared Lily would wake up and cry or something. So I stayed up til 2:30. I got up and picked Lily up and layed her beside me. Man, those kids move so much when they sleep!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fainting + Seizure = Bad Trip To Wal-Mart

Alright so i decided that would write a blog that was actually interesting. Then I REMEMBERED that, well nothing interesting ever happens to me. Well, besides this. Last weekend I was at walmart with my mom, step dad, and grandma. ( my grandma is the funniest woman in the world btw). I started to get light headed and DIZZY. My mom told me step dad to walk me up to the front of the store so I could sit onthe bench. So got like 2 feet from the bench when I apparently FAINTED. I was seizureing so the ambulance came to pick me up. I evidently was taken to the hospital. I woke up when we got their while I was still in the ambulance. I remember that becuase I had a FREAK OUT! When I woke up had little sticky circle things all over me! And an IV in my arm, and tubes up my nose. From there I was taken into a room and there was a guy and girl that wanted me to take a pee test. They put a little bed pan thing under me and I just couldn't go. ( BTW the IV in my arm made me CRAZY!) So they thought it would be a good idea to the dreaded CATHEDER! God, that sucked! So everyone came to see me their and btw I had no pants or underwear on but i was covered up with a blanket, but I still felt so uncomfertable! Then I was LIKE I HAVE TO PISS! Then I looked at mom and was like sorry momma! I mean pee! Then they got me up and let me sit on a little toilet ta go. I couldn't remember anything that had happened that day or anyone besides John Liz my grandma and my mom and Shopping at wal mart. I kept having these seaizure like things like a person with bad twitching teretz or something. They transfered me to Childrens Mercy. I remember When I was in the ambulance on the way up there was this student EMT woman that was probably 19 0r 20 and she was awesome. I really liked her. Anyways I kept hearing the song "POP LOCK and drop it" so I asked her if it was playing and she said no and laughed a little bit. It was the medicine. I told you it made me crazy! Anyways I got there and This lady came in to take a test on my heart and I thought she was a girl that used to be on the dance team on my school, and she wasnt...again it was the medicine. I couldnt even walk. Liz and mom stayed the night there and I kept seeing a man and woman holding a baby behind the curtain (meds) i was freakin out so my mom opened them to show me nothing was there. She shut it and still saw the man. Everything else was gone. But then I saw greg behind it. I was so out of it. I didnt go to sleep til 5:00 am. And I was awoken at 7:00 am with a needle in my arm and a lady said im taken some blood hun, didnt wanna wake ya! I said ok, and fell back asleep with it in my arm. I slept for about twenty more minutes then the nurse came in and told me I had to stay awake til 1:00 because I had to take this test on my brain and sleep would mess it up. So I tried to stay up. She came back in and I was sleepin. I could tell she was mad but she said she wasnt. I had to walk around with her and stuff til it was time to take the test. Finally I was wheeled down to the room where the test was taken. The lady rubbed my head with a little stick on little dots of my head then she put lotion stuff on it and then a sticky dot thing. I got to sleep for 20 minutes then I took the test. There was a light thing right infront of myface and she would says open close eyes open eyes so I would right when I did the light flashed and it hurt. Then I had to breeth in and out really heavy for 2 minutes.That sucked too. It took FOREVER to get the test results back and they came back normal! I GOT TO GO HOME!

They think the seizure was caused by stress and dehydration. I regained my memory as well.

And A Special Sorry to Everyone I Scared And Thank You Stacy And Family For The Balloons and Stuffed Dog, Ryder For the peice of Candy and Liz and Lily for the Card!

25 Things I dont get:

1.) Why when A rat and a mouse have babies they aren't called RICE
2.) Why I cannot Lick my elbow
3.) Why fire works are so scary
4.) Why I've never seen a ghost
5.) Or a lepercaun
6.) Why French people dont brush their teeth in movies
7.) Why even if I slept for 10 hours I'd still be tired the next day
8.) Why they cancel shows everyone watches
9.) Why when they make sequels to movies they change only one character
10.) Why they even make sequels because they always suck
11.) Why Raven is skinny then fat then skinny then FAT ( 2 words for her JENNY & CRAIG)
12.) Why Ryder always picks his nose
13.) The meaning of life
14.) Why Im not famous
15.) Why other people notice my typos and i dont
16.) Why just when I thought I was cool because I can say the alphabet backwards, I found out my 7 year old cousin can too....
17.) Why she cannot sing on key...ever lol
18.) Why everyone thinks Hillbillies are stupid
19.) Why Hillbillies are so stupid
20.) Why Lily can go so long without blinking
21.) Why they had to name her TOOTIE on the facts of life
22.) Why they named that baby APPLE
23.) or SHILOH
24.) Why horses are so scary
25.) Why a dogs mouth is cleaner than a human's

25 things I love:

1.) My family
2.) My blog
3.) Writing the word FLOWER incursive
4.) My band
5.) Singing
7.) Birthday Parties
8.) Facebook
9.) Green Mnm's
10.) Money
11.) The Cup cakes in a cone that stacy makes
12.) Water Balloons
13.) Cotton Candy
14.) Lepercauns
15.) The Easter Bunny
16.) The troll in Central Park
17.) The game HOPSCOTCH
18.) Barbies
20.) CHUCK E CHEESE!! < Yes i love it that much
21.) RYDER
22.) RILEY
23.) LILY
24.) LAYLA
25.) and GREG!!!

25 Things I hate:

1.) My house
2.) Steps
3.) Pop-ups
4.) Lap tops
5.) When people don't agree with me
(. .) Those look likes BOOBS!!!
6.) Commercials
7.) Hillary Clinton
8.) The fact that the show Alegra's Window has been canceled for like 10 years
9.) Yo Yo's never come back up
10.) The fact that what goes up must come down
11.) Ugly stuff
12.) You probably
13.) The fact that the US has to help everyone because we are so AWESOME!
14.) Cabbage
15.) That I can't have anything mobile of the internet because I have a Samsung!
16.) My phone
17.) Texting
18.) Science
19.) Evolution
20.) The words Rediculous
21.) and Bizzare
22.) Crime Investigation
23.) Obtuse triangles
24.) Also the Word Radical
25.) Pee Wee Herman
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