1.) Why when A rat and a mouse have babies they aren't called RICE
2.) Why I cannot Lick my elbow
3.) Why fire works are so scary
4.) Why I've never seen a ghost
5.) Or a lepercaun
6.) Why French people dont brush their teeth in movies
7.) Why even if I slept for 10 hours I'd still be tired the next day
8.) Why they cancel shows everyone watches
9.) Why when they make sequels to movies they change only one character
10.) Why they even make sequels because they always suck
11.) Why Raven is skinny then fat then skinny then FAT ( 2 words for her JENNY & CRAIG)
12.) Why Ryder always picks his nose
13.) The meaning of life
14.) Why Im not famous
15.) Why other people notice my typos and i dont
16.) Why just when I thought I was cool because I can say the alphabet backwards, I found out my 7 year old cousin can too....
17.) Why she cannot sing on key...ever lol
18.) Why everyone thinks Hillbillies are stupid
19.) Why Hillbillies are so stupid
20.) Why Lily can go so long without blinking
21.) Why they had to name her TOOTIE on the facts of life
22.) Why they named that baby APPLE
23.) or SHILOH
24.) Why horses are so scary
25.) Why a dogs mouth is cleaner than a human's