Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I would do I were President...

Hm.... This one took alot of thought but I have been thinking about it, and have come up with a few- ordinary, reasonable things.

First of all, I would get rid of the military. I would pay people to leave us the heck alone! I mean seriously, how much money did we spend sending out troops into Iraq? Why not fork over the money and save some lives...

Second of all, I would capture Britney Spears and put her in a cage, on display, in Las Vegas... Hey you know it needs to be done.

Thirdly, ill dye my skin black so I can be the first black, and first woman president. Its all or nothing my friends.

Fourth, We will bring back the 90's- the good years. And we'll get back the shows people actually wanted to watch.

Fifth, Ill watch movie premeres before everyone else, and ill publicly ruin the endings of every single movie, because I can, because I am President Of the United States of America... I am Maggie Riley- and I approve this message.

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